What we do

What we offer is unusual in that we like to work alongside you, doing the jobs needed with you and giving  you the confidence and skills to maintain the garden yourself. This will  provide you with the experience  and know-how to enable you to work towards creating  your own perfect haven. We will give you the knowledge to help you on your journey and provide as much of the actual work needed for your garden to evolve as you want it.  We find that ideas and abilities develop through working together, as does a vision for each person's garden.  Of course we can do the work for you too; and the extent to which you want to be involved is up to you and can be adjusted to your needs. An initial phone call is a good place to start and we can talk to you to find out what you want.

Thriving plants

 Our local experience means we can advise on and provide, if necessary, the best plants for soils in the Oxfordshire area to help keep your garden beautiful all year round. By looking at position in relation to shade, sun and soil type we can make sure you are choosing the right plants for your garden.


Your own beautiful garden

Whatever the size of your garden we can help you find a planting scheme and structure to suit your needs.  We can show you how to design effectively, plant successfully, maintain the garden through the seasons and even create your own plants by propagation. You may even enjoy weeding after we have shown you the joys of discovering new plants among the old.


Avoid the Midsummer blues

Does your garden look good in spring but goes downhill from then on?

This is because the majority of  plants flower in spring or early summer.  We can share the secrets of an all year round garden. Plant the right plants, prune at the right time, use mulch and compost in the right way and your garden can be beautiful all the year round while keeping the maintenance to a manageable amount.